Fiber Club* plans to exhibit contemporary fiber art with positive, engaging, and inspiring messages in University of Michigan’s Gifts of Art Gallery. Common Thread is a 2-2 1/2 month long group exhibition showcasing artworks in a space of care. Priority will be given to Fiber Club* participants, fiber artists, and people within U of M’s medical or patient environments. The aim of this show is to spark creativity, inspire hopefulness, and to promote outlets of making through fiber.

Both 2D and 3D artworks are welcomed and we encourage artists to submit as many works as they wish. Please see SIZE and HANGING requirements for further details.

Gallery Photos

Long view gallery 3.jpeg

Panel view 3.jpeg

Side view glass cases.jpeg

Tall wide case.jpeg

Artwork Specifications & Installation

Artwork and titles should be sensitive to the medical and emotional state of their viewers. We cannot accept overtly sexual content, titles, violence and nudity and request that work is not confrontational, obviously depressing and does not contain negative medical conditions.

The gallery has the following size and framing specifications: